Wednesday, December 17, 2014

What does the blood not tell you?

This is a classroom, dead, for army kids
Does the blood not tell you? 

The army is a 'repressive state apparatus'
Doesn't the blood tell you?

They've inherited their original army sin
What does the blood not tell you?

 No laces to tie in Van Gogh's shoes
Whether the blood tells you!

 A semblance of paradise in this room
Does the blood tell you?

 Buy an afterlife by killing children
Does the blood not tell you? 

Plundered chairs in a 'theatre of cruelty'? 
Is that what the blood tells you? 

Why does the floor look like the cushions? 
Does the blood tell you? 

Could we zoom in and see what book that might be? 
Does the blood allow you? 

The school is an 'ideological state apparatus'
Is that what the blood tells you? 

When is the cleaner coming? 
Who took that photo?
 Who is it that writes this poem?
Does the blood not ask you? 

The blood is 'lovely, dark and deep' with no 'promises to keep'
It flows, binds and unbinds  
That old man had too much blood and the military kids have too little!

They kill, we kill back and they in turn kill back again but for what?
For death and a possibly good life after death which remains impossible

There is no good life after death
There is no life after death
There is no world after death
There is nothing after death 

Doesn't the blood not tell you? 

[For the hundreds of army children who were brutally killed in Peshawar, Pakistan by Taliban on 16 December 2014 ]

1 comment:

Shyamal Ghosh said...

Nicely expressed that heartbreaking incident ......