Friday, April 4, 2014

For My Mother

You had kissed me goodbye 
A year back
My forehead is still moist with it

But this time I come to 'collect' you

The man at the mortuary breathes 
A long deep sigh on the keys
Ready to open you to me

The key turns awry in the tiny hole of time 
Like the sudden emergence 
Of a friend's face at the gate

There you are, 
Draped in your favourite dress 
A maroon sari

No, 'draped' is not the right word

You are shrouded by it

Passivity has finally claimed you

I touch your still warm forehead
There is a touch of pain on your face  

The lines on it remind me of your contorted face 
How you frightened me by making that face 
In those half-open hours of the night 

The only difference now:

The face simply 'is', and no need for 'making' it anymore

The face is where you are for me

Facing all odds as always 

Rest in my face from now on

Look, I have had two cuts while shaving
They are right beneath my nose 
On both sides
I have put two cotton balls there 
With some Dettol in them 

As I watch myself thus in mirror 
I remember the cotton balls 
In your nose 

You had no more breath left 
And breath was all that was
Left with me 

No, I refuse to call you a 'body' here
Perhaps I have to write you like that
In some official document
But no, not here!
Not in a poem!

Poetry is the solitary breath passing through the cotton block
Deep into the hollows of the nose 
It does not know how to take death for granted!


Deeptesh said...

Haven't read such good poetry for a long time, Arka da. Moved me to tears. May her soul rest in peace.

windless said...

Thanks much or as little as letters can move us in time and space....and across little tiny tears...

Unknown said...

Beautiful Poem.Loved your expressions.