Friday, August 14, 2015

Once Upon...Aloneness

Goodbyes are time's caregivers 
The memory of an elsewhere 
Arrested in the here and now: 

When I, a kid and you dropped me home after holidays
It was a struggle for you to leave
I wouldn't let you
Time for little strategies of the grown up
And I would be taken away, somewhere else for a moment
Perhaps another room, perhaps the toilet 
Leaving you enough time to leave 
And I would return to your absence

The linking rings on the bed 
Moistened by my hunched tears
I would caress the place where you sat a moment ago
The spot would be warm and my tears would make it warmer

Time has flown through a pinhole since then
And yet I see all that, all that when all this was yet to come

To time, death and farewell to caregiving
To the ripeness of adulthood and once upon aloneness

You are going away again, once more, a last time
No need for little strategies of the grown up now
I am indeed in another room
To let elsewhere speak
I don't want to see you go...

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